VISION: To assist with the economic transformation of 200,000 people over the next seven years


PRF Institute

The PRF Institute is committed to addressing the socio-economic challenges of communities with a direct team approach. We are a safe place for all to learn, grow, and transform in financial stewardship. We provide three course bundles and several individual courses to address your financial, economic, and legacy stewardship concerns.


Course Bundles
Individual Lessons


Stewardship: A Practical Principal 

Stewardship is a spiritual principle that informs us that we temporarily “possess” something that God has deemed special enough to “give” us. In this lesson you will learn three common characteristics to guide you to becoming a better steward.  In addition to conducting a concrete needs-wants analysis, you’ll also discover what you can or cannot manage. Together, we’ll explore ways to commit to improving stewardship in at least one area of PRF pertinent to your home, work, or church. This is one of the more impactful PRF lessons because of how it enhances ownership and intimately connects with debt and credit, giving, tithing, planning and saving, and wills and inheritance.

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Stewardship: A Practical Principal 

Stewardship is a spiritual principle that informs us that we temporarily “possess” something that God has deemed special enough to “give” us. In this lesson you will learn three common characteristics to guide you to becoming a better steward.  In addition to conducting a concrete needs-wants analysis, you’ll also discover what you can or cannot manage. Together, we’ll explore ways to commit to improving stewardship in at least one area of PRF pertinent to your home, work, or church. This is one of the more impactful PRF lessons because of how it enhances ownership and intimately connects with debt and credit, giving, tithing, planning and saving, and wills and inheritance.

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This course discusses the basic principles of descent and distribution and how they apply to the concept of wills. You would be surprised to learn the real common reasons why less than 31%-44% of adults in America [continue to] neglect preparing their will and other estate planning documents. There is much focus today on the benefits of preparing for life with God after our physical deaths. But did you know that preparing a will and leaving an inheritance for your children’s children is an act of proverbial wisdom according to Proverbs 13: 22? Your proactive acts of “continued stewardship” will economically benefit family and community for generations!!

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of individuals believe they suffer financially because they have not made the necessary changes to their situation

Individual Courses


Financial Healing

Financial healing, just like all types of healing, is a gift from God. Whenever Christ healed someone, there was a conversation, actions and then results. In this course, you will learn the two foundational questions to financial healing as well as develop a financial healing roadmap for success.  You’ll quickly discover that your financial healing is there waiting on you, but something is required of you.  Take the first step … you can do it!

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Credit and Debt Are First Cousins 

God has shown us a way for you to establish and rebuild credit where it can be a benefit and a blessing versus a burden. One foundational truth to establishing credit begins first with assessing your financial profile prior to entering a credit transaction. Our lessons will also help you consider YOUR credit boundaries and help you secure the proper tools needed to execute the right plan that fits YOUR situation.  So, whose principles will you continue to operate by?  You can’t go wrong with Wisdom.  The Word of God is filled with what we need to ensure our credit foundation is solid!

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Credit and Debt Are First Cousins 

God has shown us a way for you to establish and rebuild credit where it can be a benefit and a blessing versus a burden. One foundational truth to establishing credit begins first with assessing your financial profile prior to entering a credit transaction. Our lessons will also help you consider YOUR credit boundaries and help you secure the proper tools needed to execute the right plan that fits YOUR situation.  So, whose principles will you continue to operate by?  You can’t go wrong with Wisdom.  The Word of God is filled with what we need to ensure our credit foundation is solid!

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Refuse to Give Out of Ignorance

Giving is God’s primary method for blessing the people and his Church. So why does it seem that many of our churches and communities are lacking the resources needed for the people and community? Do you realize that God does not require us to give that which we do not have? But, it takes assessing what and why we have or don’t have “it” to give. Do you realize that giving comes in many forms that have nothing to do with money? Have you learned how you give impacts your eternal judgment? Are you aware of the internal, internal-external, and external approaches to giving? It is evident that a better understanding of giving would help leaders and faith communities function more efficiently.

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Tithing: Out of Law or Love 

Why does tithing continue to be one of the most controversial topics of the Christian religion? How many Christians have accepted being under bondage [or cursed] if they don’t tithe? Do you realize that Malachi 3:8 – 10 is coined as the “beat down” scripture? Have you ever stopped to think how God has commanded that tithes be utilized? Have you ever explored the BIBLICAL narratives for tithing from the Old Testament; especially since it is not commanded in the New Testament? The answers lie within how tithing has been taught, preached … or not; even used as a tool of manipulation for giving. In these lessons, you’ll learn seven principles of tithing.  “We’ are overdue … it’s time to increase the power of the tithe.

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Tithing: Out of Law or Love 

Why does tithing continue to be one of the most controversial topics of the Christian religion? How many Christians have accepted being under bondage [or cursed] if they don’t tithe? Do you realize that Malachi 3:8 – 10 is coined as the “beat down” scripture? Have you ever stopped to think how God has commanded that tithes be utilized? Have you ever explored the BIBLICAL narratives for tithing from the Old Testament; especially since it is not commanded in the New Testament? The answers lie within how tithing has been taught, preached … or not; even used as a tool of manipulation for giving. In these lessons, you’ll learn seven principles of tithing.  “We’ are overdue … it’s time to increase the power of the tithe.

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Planning and Saving are Next Door Neighbors

One of life’s challenges is that many of us have made plenty of financial moves without a plan and [now or in the past] have had to deal with situations or circumstances from the lack of proper planning. From the Wisdom of Proverbs to the parables of Jesus, you will find that being prepared, or as the world calls it – proper planning, can be the greatest difference between your successes vs. failures … prosperity vs. poverty … spiritual progression vs. fleshly decline. Discover how planning and saving should begin as spiritual disciplines … the worldview unfortunately operates just in reverse.

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Stewardship Maintenance 4 Leaders

Over the years we observed that LEADERS experience a host of socioeconomic challenges that affect who they lead.  On the surface, people look at you and generally believe that leaders are financially stable.  It is even easy, due to titles or positions, for followers and those outside of your organizations and religious institutions to assume that leaders are even good stewards. Not true! Evidence shows there is a lack of knowledge about budgeting, obtaining life insurance, managing credit and debt, planning, and saving, and getting estate planning affairs in order. This is for you as LEADERS to be better leading leaders where it counts the most. 

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Stewardship Maintenance 4 Leaders

Over the years we observed that LEADERS experience a host of socioeconomic challenges that affect who they lead.  On the surface, people look at you and generally believe that leaders are financially stable.  It is even easy, due to titles or positions, for followers and those outside of your organizations and religious institutions to assume that leaders are even good stewards. Not true! Evidence shows there is a lack of knowledge about budgeting, obtaining life insurance, managing credit and debt, planning, and saving, and getting estate planning affairs in order. This is for you as LEADERS to be better leading leaders where it counts the most. 

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For Marriages and Couples

In any relationship, communication is key.  This is particularly true for marriages as couples address matters of stewardship, finances, wealth ... even matters of death and legacy.   It has been proven that the better equipped you are to talk about these matters, success in your relationship during some of the most trying times is higher. Once you engage the tools needed to have these healthy conversations, you will gain a newfound perspective on financial freedom and your financial legacy.  Start with How to Have Intimate Conversations About Legacy, which is designed to unlock the power inside of couples to have those critical conversations NOW. Dealing with finances from henceforth should be much easier.

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